Welcoming Week Events

The purpose of the Grand Island Welcoming Initiative is to convene a network of public and private organizations and community members dedicated to supporting Grand Island’s immigrant and refugee communities, while promoting a culture of welcoming and belonging for all.

To View All Welcoming Week Activities, please visit "Grand Island Area Welcoming Initiative" On Facebook, or click the link here.

Heartland United Way is honored to co-host a few events during Welcoming Week 2024. Please see information below. 



4th Street Business Tour


Join Heartland United Way and Sandra Barrera with the UNL Extension on Monday, September 16th from 5 pm to 7pm as we celebrate Welcoming Week with a diverse business tour of 4th Street. Each of the 10 businesses will showcase their lovely shop and share their story. Come learn more about what makes 4th Street businesses so unique. 

Participants who register will receive more information regarding the meeting location and the businesses we will tour by email as we get closer to September 16th.  

*Registration is limited to the first 20 participants. 

To Register for the 4th Street Business Tour on September 16th, please click the link here: https://forms.gle/kTCcvpLAiXzTtEjv8

Courage To Care


Each session will explore the power of who we are as individuals and the impact our identity has on our decision making. This will be an interactive discussion regarding our lived experiences. We will offer suggestions on how we can best have each other’s back. More details, date, and time can be seen on the flyer to the side.



A workshop for business partners, board members, nonprofit organizations, community leaders and members. Participants will learn to lean into discomfort and engage in conversations that are relevant and necessary in the global landscape. More details, date, and time can be seen on the flyer to the side.


To Register for any of the Courage to Care DEI Training Opportunities on September 19th, please click the link here: https://forms.gle/XVUh4546PqRpmRUp9