For over a decade, 2-1-1 has been serving Nebraska and Southwest Iowa.
People across our area face challenges every day and may not know how to find or access local programs that address them. That’s what 211 is all about: connecting our neighbors with nearby services that can help. If you are looking for assistance in finding a food pantry, paying for a utility bill, accessing safe housing or shelter, receiving counseling services and more, speak with one of our helpline specialists today.
211 is available 24/7 by phone or text. Your call is free and confidential.
Click the image below to watch a short clip about how 211 is here for you, 24/7.
What's the best way to get in touch?
The easiest way is to simply call 2-1-1! Our helpline specialists will be happy to assist you with a needs referral. Our searchable database is also available here. You can also text your zip code to 898211. If you are unable to call or text, you can email our team at ne211@uwmidlands.org.
PLEASE NOTE: Not all cell phones, pay phones and company phone systems allow callers to call 2-1-1 or other three-digit phone numbers. If this is an issue, you can still reach the 2-1-1 call center by calling 402-444-6666.
The 211 Nebraska/SW Iowa App is available for Android and Apple products. The App allows users to find the resources they need and save information that they can access offline as well. Download the app and get connected today!
What information does 2-1-1 provide?
The 211 call center and database helps connect residents to:
- Utility Assistance
- Rent Assistance
- Food Pantries
- Shelter and Housing Services
- Clothing
- Abuse Prevention
- Behavioral Health Services
- Support Groups
- Senior Services
- Transportation
- Disaster Services
- Government Shutdown Support
- Legal Services
- Health Care Services
- Family Support
- Financial Assistance and Education
About the 211 Searchable Database
Nebraska 211 keeps an accurate and comprehensive database that you can use to find health and human services to meet your needs. Our database allows you to browse hundreds of health and human services online, learn about specific programs, intake requirements, eligibility, operation hours and more. The database also has information on disaster-related services. Click here to search the 2-1-1 database.
In 2023, there were calls from Hall, Hamilton, Howard, and Merrick Counties, compared to 971 in 2022. The graph highlights the call needs in 2023. A majority of the calls were specifically for housing and utilities.