From strengthening local resilience to advancing health, youth opportunity, and financial security, Heartland United Way is mobilizing communities to action so all can thrive.
- Healthy Community – Improving health and wellbeing for all
- Financial Security - Creating a stronger financial future for every generation
- Youth Opportunity - Helping young people realize their full potential
- Community Resiliency - Addressing urgent needs today for a better tomorrow.
Advancing the common good is less about helping one person at a time and more about changing systems to help all of us. We are all connected and interdependent. We all win when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable and when people live healthy lifestyles.
Heartland United Way works to create long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of these problems. United is the Way to be a part of that change.
Our Programs
The Community Investment Process helps to ensure that the community-raised dollars are invested in local programs that change lives and align with Heartland United Way’s mission. Volunteers ensure the sound investment of funds by reviewing the programs the Heartland United Way invests in, evaluating each program, and make investment recommendations, which United Way’s Board of Directors approves. 20 Community Partners receive funding through this process.
Dolly Parton launched the Imagination Library program in 1996 because she wanted to make sure that children have books in their homes, regardless of family income. This program sends one brand new, age-appropriate book in the mail each month to an enrolled child until their fifth birthday. In the Heartland United Way area 3,449 children received books in 2024.
During the holiday season, Heartland United Way provides necessities, gift items, and food vouchers to individuals experiencing extraordinary needs through three programs – Holiday Toy Program, Holiday Adopt a Family Program, & Christmas Cheer. The Heartland United Way works closely with our community, local school social workers, United Way community partners, and the U.S. Marine Corps & their Toys for Tots program to make these programs possible.
From treating kids with health disorders close to home to keeping seniors fed, $30,000 in Rural Community Impact Grants is helping people thrive in Hamilton, Howard, Merrick Counties, and rural communities in Hall County.