Community Investment

At Heartland United Way, we partner with agencies in the community that focus on goals and outcomes in the areas of education, financial stability, health, and community resiliency and we work together to create long-lasting changes that improve lives and create possibilities.  



Allocation of Campaign Funds to Community Partners

The Heartland United Way raises money to support programs and services at 19 local Community Partners that positively affect the most pressing issues in our communities. Your one gift to the Heartland United Way, impacts over 50,000 people each year in Hall, Hamilton, Howard and Merrick Counties. The Heartland United Way Community Partners submit grant applications seeking funding for Education, Health, and Financial Stability programs. Volunteers, who are also donors, assess the applications and agency presentations through the Community Investment Process to make funding decisions.




We Need YOU to be part of the Community Investment Process

The Community Investment Process helps to ensure that the community-raised dollars are invested in local programs that change lives and align with Heartland United Way’s mission. Heartland United Way is currently looking for volunteers to participate in the 2025 Community Investment Process (CIP).  

Community Investment Volunteers work hard for change in our community. They represent the community and invest community dollars in programs that create lasting change. Volunteers ensure the sound investment of funds by reviewing the programs the Heartland United Way invests in, evaluating each program, and make investment recommendations, which United Way’s Board of Directors approves. These trained volunteers measure program investments against quality standards, listen to presentations, and complete a comprehensive evaluation to help United Way direct investments to the very best services across our community. Volunteers lead the review of funding requests, program outcomes, financial data and past performance.

Please note: Volunteers must be a current United Way donor. Agency personnel for any grant applicant or program funded by the United Way is not eligible to participate. 


Time Frame and Commitment: 

  1. Attend a one-hour training session via Zoom on January 17th from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. 

  2. Review applications online and complete evaluations on your own time.

  3. Participate in program presentations and discussion (time commitment is approximately 8:00 AM -1:00 PM). 

Are you interested in volunteering for the Community Investment Process? Fill out the Volunteer Form below.



Thank you for volunteering for Community Investment! Please fill out the following form. Additional email communication will come after you have signed up. If you have any questions, please contact Rylee at the Heartland United Way at or 308-382-2675.


Central Community College Adult Education, American Red Cross, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Scouting America, Boys Town, CNCAA, First Light Child Advocacy Center, Girl Scouts, Heartland CASA, Hope Harbor, Legal Aid, Literacy Council, Lutheran Family Services, Midland Area Agency on Aging, Multicultural Coalition, Teammates of Grand Island, Third City Community Clinic, Willow Rising, The YMCA.
All presentations are at the Heartland United Way office, located at 1441 N. Webb Road. Please select which date(s) you can attend for program presentations and discussion. The approximate time commitment for these days is 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

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