Workplace Campaigns are the cornerstone of the Heartland United Way Campaign. The relationship with businesses in our community are so important and deeply appreciated. The key to successful campaigns are a result of business leadership who offers a company match or a corporate gift, engages employees in planning the campaign, educates employees about the UW, and then adds some incentives and competitions for fun.We are grateful for all the businesses who support the Heartland United Way! |
Thank you so much to our
Pacesetter Business Leaders
Pacesetter Leadership
All Pacesetter businesses are asked to exhibit leadership in the following ways:
Conduct a workplace campaign starting in August
Ensure success of the workplace campaign by making it fun and educational for employees
Report campaign results prior to the campaign kick-off and wrap up their campaign before the end of November
Provide corporate support for Heartland United Way fundraisers through sponsorship or by providing employee volunteers, encouraging attendance and selling tickets
Encourage employees to participate in the Community Investment process each spring to help distribute campaign funds
Help Heartland United Way remain connected with employees who leave or retire by obtaining permission to pass on updated contact information or allowing a campaign presentation at retiree events
During orientation, encourage new employees to begin a relationship with United Way