During the holiday season, Heartland United Way provides necessities, gift items, and food vouchers to individuals experiencing extraordinary needs through three programs – Holiday Toy Program, Holiday Adopt a Family Program, & Christmas Cheer. The Heartland United Way works closely with our community, local school social workers, United Way community partners, and the US Marine Corps & their Toys for Tots program to make these programs possible.

The application for the Heartland United Way & Toys for Tots Distribution closed on December 1st. You can apply on the waitlist, until Wednesday, December 11th at 12:00 Noon.

Individuals who wish to be a part of our Holiday Adopt a Family Program must get a referral and complete the online only application to be considered. Many area churches also help refer individuals to the programs. If you do not have an existing relationship with a local church or social worker at one of the qualified referral locations, call the Heartland United Way office at (308) 382-2675 for assistance.

Individuals looking to apply for Christmas Cheer Food assistance must apply online using the link below, and be located in Hall County. 

Each year, our organization is able to serve the referred individuals and families because of the generosity of our community members and the assistance of local businesses.

Toy Locations 2024

Heartland United Way Toy Drive & Toys for Tots Distribution

Heartland United Way works to serve Hall, Hamilton, Howard, and Merrick County families. Locally, this Holiday Toy Program provides holiday gift assistance for children age 12 and under whose parents are not financially able to provide gifts for them during the holidays. This program is not meant for providing additional toys.

The application for the Heartland United Way & Toys for Tots Distribution closed on December 1st. You can apply on the waitlist, by clicking here.

Parents whose children are accepted into the program will receive a letter/voucher to “shop” for their child’s gift from the donated items after December 6th. The goal is to collect enough items so each child will receive one toy, a stuffed animal, and a book or game. The Heartland United Way served 2,018 children in 2023.

Donations of new, unwrapped toys and gently-used books or stuffed animals are collected starting in November 2024. Please drop off donations of new, un-wrapped toys at the Heartland United Way office (1441 N Webb Road, Grand Island). 

If you or your business would like to receive a box to collect toys for our annual Distribution, please fill out the form by clicking here.

Thank you to everyone in our community who makes our Holiday Toy Program possible! We have a lot of helping elves and Secret Santas in our community.

Holiday Adopt A Family Program

The Adopt a Family program allows businesses, community members, and organizations to provide local families with food, necessity items, and gifts during the holidays. Families accepted into this program are experiencing extraordinary needs due to job loss, health issues, a house fire, or other major circumstances. Adopters donate gifts to an assigned family anonymously based on a description of the family’s biggest needs. In 2023, Heartland United Way connected 45 local families with adopters through the program.

To adopt a family for the holidays or provide monetary support for this program, contact the Heartland United Way office at (308) 382-2675, or complete this form. *Adopters must be located in Hall, Hamilton, Howard, or Merrick Counties in Nebraska.

All families must be referred or nominated by a social worker, church or other agency. 

Christmas Cheer

Heartland United Way's third holiday program is Christmas Cheer. Christmas Cheer was established in 1910 to provide a helping hand to local families during the holidays. A volunteer board operated this program, and in 2024 the Heartland United Way continues to carry on this tradition. This program provides a grocery voucher for a holiday meal to Hall County people & families in Need. 

If you would like to provide monetary support for this program, donations can be made at Home Federal Bank or Heartland United Way. Thank you for your support!

A Helping Hand - Toys for Tots 2021
Toys for Tots Volunteers 2021