The Heartland United Way Toy Drive & Toys for Tots Distribution provides gifts during the holiday season to children ages 0-12 in Hall, Hamilton, Howard and Merrick Counties. If your business would like to collect toys (or have a toy drive), please fill out the form below.
If interested in becoming a Toy Collection Site, please complete the form below.
Boxes can be picked up starting November 1st from the United Way office. If you are unable to pickup a collection box at the Heartland United Way, please call Karly @ the Heartland United Way Office (308-382-2675) to make arrangements for someone to deliver a box.
Important Dates:
- Boxes Available for Pickup - Boxes will be available for pickup at the Heartland United Way (1441 North Webb Road) starting November 6th.
- Heartland United Way Toy Drive Collection - November 6th - December 9th, 2024
- Toy Drive Delivery Days - Tuesday, December 10th & Wednesday, December 11th
Collected toys can be dropped off at the Fonner Park Pinnacle Bank Expo Center/Quilt Room between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 pm. If you need toys to be picked up, please call Karly at 308-382-2675 to make arrangements. Please let Karly know your plans for delivery/pick up prior to December 9th.
- Heartland United Way Toy Drive & Toys for Tots Distribution
Thursday, December 12th - Heartland United Way Toy Drive & Toys for Tots Distribution at Fonner Park
Thank you for helping us collect toys for Toys for Tots!