To value diversity is to respect and appreciate race, religion, skin color, gender, nationality, language differences, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical, mental and developmental abilities, age, socioeconomic status, work and behavioral styles, parental status and the perspectives of each individual shaped by their nation, culture and experiences. To be inclusive is to leverage diversity by bringing together unique individual backgrounds to collectively and more effectively address the issues facing our communities.
There is neither exclusion nor discrimination with regard to hiring, assignment, promotion or other conditions of Board member selection or staff employment HUW will cooperate fully with the applicable regulations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to achieve equal employment opportunity for all persons in filling staff positions. We identify ourselves as an equal employment opportunity employer in recruitment advertisements.
The Heartland United Way recognizes diversity exists and will strive to involve every segment of the Heartland Area in our work. The HUW will advocate and promote diversity among its board, staff, agencies, volunteers, programs and donors We will build on the diversity of people in our communities and value their ideas and perspectives.
The Heartland United Way will embrace diversity and make it an integral part of our organization. HUW will maintain an organizational environment that enables all people to perform to their potential by actively valuing different backgrounds and perspectives, fostering teamwork and collaboration among members of the communities in the Heartland Area, and maximizing contributions to the HUW by using the skills, talents and resources of all members of our communities.